Vicky SaumellBest practices for teaching with video synchronously

Session 1

Our first session starts with an overview of how to use video in ELT. Vicky Saumell looks at the benefits of using video in ELT, provides guidelines for choosing the right videos and explores video viewing strategies when using video synchronously. The session’s content is grounded in current theories and highlights multiliteracies, meaningful interaction, higher order thinking skills, as well as the opportunities to create a more multicultural and inclusive class. By the end of the webinar, you will be able to make informed decisions to be able to start using video effectively in class.



Vicky Saumell (IATEFL LTSIG Joint Coordinator)

Vicky Saumell is a teacher, trainer, materials writer and presenter. She currently teaches at primary and secondary level schools in Buenos Aires. She is also a freelance author and has worked as a writer and trainer for Pearson, CUP, Macmillan and Santillana. She is the Joint Coordinator for IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG. She has a professional website at

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